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Myddle & Broughton Parish Council

Shropshire, UK

Home / Who we are and what we do

Who we are and what we do


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The Parish Council

Who we are?

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The Council represents the villages of Harmer Hill, Myddle, Yorton and the smaller communities around those villages. Elections to the Council are held every four years and the Council has an allocation of ten seats divided amongst three wards representing the three main communities. At this year’s election there were nine nominations and as a result the Council will try and co-opt an additional Member to represent Myddle.
Local Councils have powers granted by the Government, including the authority to raise money through taxation. This is known as the precept and in the coming year has been set at £16,875.00. The Council uses this money to provide a range of services and grant aid local organisations. The services include street lighting, ground maintenance and the children’s play area. Grants are made to the two village halls; the churches for burial ground maintenance and to help in the production of The Myddle Messenger a parish magazine delivered to all the local households.
The administration of the Council is handled by the Parish Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer, who  is, with the exception of a small allowance paid for the oversight of the play area, the only paid employee of the Council. Other services are carried out by individuals or companies contracted to do the work. Council Members do not receive payment and have voted not to claim allowances.
The Council meets in January and then in alternate months throughout the year. Meetings are normally held on the first Wednesday in the month and the meetings take place in either Myddle or Harmer Hill Village Hall. Details of the meetings and agendas are published on the Village Hall notice boards and on this web site. Parishioners are always welcome at the meetings and can raise issues with Councillors prior to the start of the formal meeting.
By statue the Council has to hold an annual Parish Meeting, which is open to all residents and this is normally held on the third Wednesday in May. This gives Members of the community an opportunity to meet with the Parish Councillors and discuss issues which affect the parish
A group of residents and Councillors has recently completed a Community Led Plan based on the information supplied by parishioners in a questionnaire sent to every household. The report is a comprehensive document and was adopted by the Parish Council at its meeting held on May 8th. and has now been forwarded to Shropshire Council with a request that it adopts it too. At the Council meeting planned for June 26th. Members of the Parish Council will be putting together an action plan to determine how the issues raised can be prioritised and are keen to receive the views of local residents with suggestions as to how these can be achieved.
Council Members have also recently reviewed and updated all the Council’s policy documents and these are all included on this web site.
The Parish Clerk is always pleased to hear from residents and can be contacted by post, telephone or email as shown below:
Parish Council Clerk – Jack Wilson, 6, Primrose Drive, Sutton Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 7TP; 01743 236810 email:
The Parish Council
Myddle and Broughton Parish Council, elected by the parishioners, is the first tier of local government and is one of 75,000 parish and town councils in England. Its role is to serve the interests  of the community and improve the quality of the local environment.
The Council represents the villages of Harmer Hill, Myddle, Yorton and the smaller communities around those villages. Elections to the Council are held every four years and the Council has an allocation of ten seats divided amongst three wards representing the three main communities. At this year’s election there were nine nominations and as a result the Council will try and co-opt an additional Member to represent Myddle.
Local Councils have powers granted by the Government, including the authority to raise money through taxation. This is known as the precept and in the coming year has been set at £16,875.00. The Council uses this money to provide a range of services and grant aid local organisations. The services include street lighting, ground maintenance and the children’s play area. Grants are made to the two village halls; the churches for burial ground maintenance and to help in the production of The Myddle Messenger a parish magazine delivered to all the local households.
The administration of the Council is handled by the Parish Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer, who  is, with the exception of a small allowance paid for the oversight of the play area, the only paid employee of the Council. Other services are carried out by individuals or companies contracted to do the work. Council Members do not receive payment and have voted not to claim allowances.
The Council meets in January and then in alternate months throughout the year. Meetings are normally held on the first Wednesday in the month and the meetings take place in either Myddle or Harmer Hill Village Hall. Details of the meetings and agendas are published on the Village Hall notice boards and on this web site. Parishioners are always welcome at the meetings and can raise issues with Councillors prior to the start of the formal meeting.
By statue the Council has to hold an annual Parish Meeting, which is open to all residents and this is normally held on the third Wednesday in May. This gives Members of the community an opportunity to meet with the Parish Councillors and discuss issues which affect the parish
A group of residents and Councillors has recently completed a Community Led Plan based on the information supplied by parishioners in a questionnaire sent to every household. The report is a comprehensive document and was adopted by the Parish Council at its meeting held on May 8th. and has now been forwarded to Shropshire Council with a request that it adopts it too. At the Council meeting planned for June 26th. Members of the Parish Council will be putting together an action plan to determine how the issues raised can be prioritised and are keen to receive the views of local residents with suggestions as to how these can be achieved.
Council Members have also recently reviewed and updated all the Council’s policy documents and these are all included on this web site.
The Parish Clerk is always pleased to hear from residents and can be contacted by post, telephone or email as shown below:
Parish Council Clerk – Jack Wilson, 6, Primrose Drive, Sutton Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 7TP; 01743 236810 email:
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